t1 enterprises
T1 Enterprises primarily serve the local market with no formal export experience.

Madaliso Phimba
Location: Kitwe, Copperbelt
Product Categories: Furniture; Home Décor
Skills Used: Carpentry; Weaving
Materials Used: Wood; Grass
Production Capacity: 10 chairs per week
# of Producers/Artisans: 10
Contact: Mr. Madaliso Phimba | +260 963597522

Sanika Designs
Location: Kitwe, Copperbelt
Product Categories: Jewellery
Skills Used: Jewellery making
Materials Used: Copper, Leather, Gemstones
Production Capacity: tbd
# of Producers/Artisans: 2
Contact: Prisca Kambole |+260 955950184
Eastern province

Bakacha Crafts
Location: Eastern Province
Product Categories: Home Décor; Gifts
Skills Used: Carving
Materials Used: Wood; Paint; Beads
Production Capacity: 100 mobiles per week
# of Producers/Artisans: 10
Contact: Charles Banda | +260964085649

John Banda
Location: Eastern Province
Product Categories: Home Décor
Skills Used: Metal work; Beading
Materials Used: Wire; Beads
Production Capacity: 6 wire warthogs per week
# of Producers/Artisans: 1
Contact: Marula Lodge | +260 964085649

Frederick Phiri
Location: Project Luangwa, Eastern Province
Product Categories: Home Décor
Skills Used: Metal work/ Welding
Materials Used: Scrap Metals; Bike Chains; Grinding Discs; Cutting Discs; Varnish
Production Capacity: 2 giraffes per week
# of Producers/Artisans: 1
Contact: Frederick Phiri | +260975321588;

Legendary Art & Contemporary Creations
Location: Mfuwe, Eastern Province
Product Categories: Home Décor; Gifts
Skills Used: Metal work/ Welding
Materials Used: Recycled metals
Production Capacity: 30 Baobab Trees in 1 week
# of Producers/Artisans:
Contact: James Masafwa | +260 976989422

Hubly Mbewe
Location: Project Luangwa, Eastern Province
Product Categories: Kitchen/ Tabletop; Home Décor
Skills Used: Carving
Materials Used: Fallen Trees
Production Capacity: 10 medium sized bowls per week
# of Producers/Artisans: 5
Contact: ian.macallan@projectluangwa.org

Measel Basket Weavers
Location: Project Luangwa, Eastern Province
Product Categories: Basketry
Skills Used: Weaving
Materials Used: Grasses, Reeds, wood, varnish
Production Capacity: 5 baskets/week
# of Producers/Artisans: 2
Contact: ian.macallan@projectluangwa.org
Lusaka province

Abel Sizibola
Location: Kabwata Village, Lusaka Province
Product Categories: Kitchen/Tabletop; Decor
Skills Used: Carving; Painting
Materials Used: Teak; Jacaranda; Iron wood
Production Capacity: 80 bowls per week
# of Producers/Artisans: 4
Contact : Abel Sizibola | +260 974425798

Chihungu Design
Location: Lusaka Province
Product Categories: Shoes
Skills Used: Shoemaking
Materials Used: Leather; Glue; Thread; Laces; Eyelets; Elastic
Production Capacity: 7 pairs per week
# of Producers/Artisans: 2
Contact: Andrew Chihungu | +260 962556619

Boniface Munyandi
Location: Mtendere Market, Lusaka Province
Product Categories: Apparel; Soft Furnishings
Skills Used: Sewing/ Tailoring
Materials Used: Fabrics
Production Capacity: 20-50 mats per week
# of Producers/Artisans: 2
Contact: Boniface Munyandi | +260977547118

Charles Mwanjelika
Location: Garden Park, Lusaka Province
Product Categories: Home Décor
Skills Used: Metal work
Materials Used: Brown Paper; Wire; Paint; Cassava meal
Production Capacity: 100 figurines per month
# of Producers/Artisans: 1
Contact: Charles Mwanjelika | +260977547118

Crispin Siamubanga
Location: Makeui, Lusaka Province
Product Categories: Home Décor
Skills Used: Metal work; Pottery & Sculpting; Painting
Materials Used: Clay; Soil; Cassava meal; Wire; Paint
Production Capacity: 30 figurines per month
# of Producers/Artisans: 2
Contact: Crispin Siamubanga | +260978171717

Jeysen Sakala
Location: Mutandere Market, Lusaka Province
Product Categories: Shoes
Skills Used: Shoemaking
Materials Used: Leather; Kitenge; Sack; Elastic; Rubber
Production Capacity: 5 pairs per day
# of Producers/Artisans:
Contact: Jeysen Sakala | +260 969172012

Location: Lusaka Province
Product Categories: Jewelry; Home Décor; Apparel
Skills Used: Jewelry Making; Sewing/ Tailoring; Painting
Materials Used: Acrylic paint; Wire; Kitenge; Cotton Wool
Production Capacity: 30 nativities per month
# of Producers/Artisans: 11
Contact: Kelvin Mwanza | +260 979340833

Patwell Himweete & Presely Pingwe
Location: Mtendwe Market, Lusaka Province
Product Categories: Shoes
Skills Used: Shoemaking; Leather work
Materials Used: Glue; Soles; Board; Toy cups
Production Capacity: 100 pairs per week
# of Producers/Artisans: 4
Contact: Patwell Himweete | +0978263485
Presely Plugwe | +0976580433
Southern province

Milner Munsaka
Location: Livingstone, Southern Province
Product Categories: Shoes
Skills Used: Shoemaking
Materials Used: Leather; Rubber
Production Capacity: 2 pairs per week
# of Producers/Artisans: 1
Contact: Milner Munsaka | +0979085474

Mukuni Village
Location: Mukuni Village, Southern Province
Product Categories: Kitchen/ Table top
Skills Used: Carving
Materials Used: Iron Wood; Olive wood; Rose Wood
Production Capacity: 5 rolling pins per day
# of Producers/Artisans: 26
Contact: Joseph Siachibuye |

Mr. Mabi
Location: Kazangola, Southern Province
Product Categories: Home Décor
Skills Used: Carving; Beading; Sewing
Materials Used: Wood; Fabric; Beads
Production Capacity: 3 per week
# of Producers/Artisans: 10
Contact: Tina Aponte | +27824434801

Mukuni Victoria Falls Curios Market
Location: Livingstone, Southern Province
Product Categories: Kitchen/ Table top; Decor
Skills Used: Carving
Materials Used: Wood
Production Capacity: n/a
# of Producers/Artisans: 2
Contact: Malmo Nguni | +260 977881571

Victor Njekwa
Location: Livingstone, Southern Province
Product Categories: Shoes
Skills Used: Shoemaking, Leather work; Hand Weaving
Materials Used: Leather; Fabric; Rubber
Production Capacity: 20-30 pairs per week
# of Producers/Artisans: 1
Contact: Victor Njekwa | +260 975263866
Western province

Limulunga La Makuwa Craft
Location: Mongu, Western Province
Product Categories: Basketry
Skills Used: Basket Weaving
Materials Used: Ilala Palm Leaves; Makenge Root
Production Capacity: 20-30 baskets per week
# of Producers/Artisans:
Contact: Florence Mwauluka |+260 962118710

​Movement Church Women’s Group
Location: Kabalo, Western Province
Product Categories: Baskets
Skills Used: Basket Weaving
Materials Used: Makenge roots; Mukulawani grass
Production Capacity:
# of Producers/Artisans: 8
Contact: Ruth Mubukwamu | +0962 594142

Mupaka Craft
Location: Mongu, Western Province
Product Categories: Kitchen/ Tabletop
Skills Used: Carving; Basket Weaving
Materials Used: Wood
Production Capacity: 50-100 wooden spoons per week
# of Producers/Artisans: 10-12
Contact: Louis Besa |+260 977 42 8080